When we were children, shopping was an adventure.  You could go into virtually any store and find amazing products, a delightful atmosphere, and customer service with a smile.

People mattered.  Integrity mattered.  Relationships mattered.  You didn't have to turn over the product to find out where it was made or screen the pages first to see if they violated decency.  When was the last time you really experienced those things in your shopping?

The current marketplace compromises integrity and fidelity over and over, and you end up with a lot of detective experience trying to find things that you want to bring home to your children, consume yourself, or give as gifts to your loved ones.

I am Lynne Thomas, and I just don't think it should be like that.  

The priority in business must be creating a great place to shop with unique and fabulous products that are safe for your entire family to experience.  I created FaithfulFind to answer the siren call of that essential need, and the focus for my team and me is finding fabulous and faithful books.

I am honored to have you visit my site.  I hope you'll come back again and again so we get to know each other.  And I hope you not only find just what you're looking for but allow our efforts to eliminate the endless work faithful people are forced to do today if they shop with a well-formed conscience.  

And please consider subscribing.  If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows FaithfulFind to continue to exist. Thank you!  God bless!!